Key Information
Below is a list of key information about pregnancy, contraception, relationships and sex. There are also contacts at the bottom of the page where you can get immediate and confidential advice either online or on the phone.
If you are unsure about anything in this webpage or to do with your pregnancy, please always consult your doctor. We have also compiled a list of useful contacts for various related topics.
Teen Sex
Under 16 is considered too young by the law to consult to sex. However you are entitled to confidential contraceptive and sexual health services including free condoms from some GP’s, community contraceptive or young peoples clinics and Brook services. Parents don’t have to be told so you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.
Make sure you understand all the risks and consequences and always use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Never allow yourself to be pressured into sex.
Sometimes relationships do not work out as planned. If you are in this alone there are many people you can speak to for advice. See below
Early Testing for pregnancy
Testing for pregnancy too early can be a gamble as 50 -60 % of pregnancies are self aborted by the body at the start of your next menstrual cycle (known as chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage). Testing from the first day of your missed period is more accurate.
In Education and Pregnant
You do not need to give up school or college just because you are pregnant. You are still entitled to an education and there are people that can help you with this. See below.
You are pregnant – What next?
Make an appointment to see your doctor straight away
Stop smoking – Smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of cot death, infant illness, disability and still birth.
Stop taking any illegal or non prescribed drugs as these will harm your baby.
Stop drinking alcohol – Alcohol is classed as a toxin and drinking while pregnant can damage your babies developing cells
You are pregnant but don’t want to be – What next?
You have a number of options. Discuss these with your doctor and consider any decisions very carefully as they will be life changing. Most importantly, stay calm, there are organisations that are here to help you. We have listed the key contacts at the bottom of the page.
Having the baby. Having a child can be one of the most rewarding things you will experience in your life.
Adoption. This is a way of providing your child with new legal parents.
End the pregnancy. To get an abortion you will need a referral from your doctor
You are not pregnant but want to be – What next?
If you are trying for a baby there are a number of small lifestyle changes you can make to increase your chances of conceiving.
Give up Alcohol, Give up smoking and any non prescribed recreational drugs, improve your diet, increase your fitness levels, take supplements (speak to your doctor first)
Failing to conceive can be due to a number of things.
Having intercourse at the wrong time in your menstrual cycle. Check when you are most fertile by using an ovulation test.
Low sperm count in men. You can get this tested very easily by the doctor. You will need to have been trying to conceive for at least 12 months. Small lifestyle changes like the ones described above as well as others that your doctor may recommend can increase sperm count.
Failing to ovulate regularly. Speak to your doctor about ways to help with this
Your options
There are fertility treatments available such as In vitro fertilisation or IVF. Speak to your doctor about this.
Surrogacy – where another woman carries and delivers your child for you
Adoption – becoming the legal parent of someone else’s child
You are not pregnant and don’t want to be – What next?
Contraception – There are a number of things you can use to prevent any future scares and ensure you do not have an unwanted pregnancy. Speak to your doctor about the best option for you as there are many available. The most common are,
Contraceptive pill.
Male Condoms – this will also protect from any unwanted Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s).
Contraceptive injection – works by stopping ovulation
Coil – a small plastic device placed inside the womb